INT Function ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Action Returns the largest integer less than or equal to a numeric expression. Syntax INT( numeric-expression) Remarks The INT function removes the fractional part of its argument. See Also CINT, FIX Example The following example compares output from INT, CINT, and FIX, the three functions that convert numeric data to integers. CLS ' Clear screen. PRINT " N","INT(N)","CINT(N)","FIX(N)" . PRINT FOR I% = 1 TO 6 READ N PRINT N, INT(N), CINT(N), FIX(N) NEXT DATA 99.3, 99.5, 99.7, -99.3, -99.5, -99.7 Output N INT(N) CINT(N) FIX(N) 99.3 99 99 99 99.5 99 100 99 99.7 99 100 99 -99.3 -100 -99 -99 -99.5 -100 -100 -99 -99.7 -100 -100 -99